Thursday, May 25, 2006


Well I have been home for a full three days. I am doing well. I have been getting better every single day. I have been getting in my liquids like I have been told. Sipping water and being on a clear liquid diet has oddly enough been going well. I do not have food cravings and I do not get upset when other people around me are eating something.

I have also been taking it easy although I walk 4-5 times a day in the hallway where I live. Today I upped the laps to 2. It is good to get around. My back has been bothering me from sitting and laying down a lot.

I have not had any pain medicine since 10pm last night. This is the longest I have gone without it and right now I don't feel like taking any.

I have been taking my medication as instructed. The shots aren't as bad as I thought they were going to be. I don't even feel it. I have been getting some bruising from it but then again I haven't given my shots ever before this.

I just need to keep up with the walking and the liquids. A week from today I get my staples out. I am sure that will go fast. Three weeks from today I get my G-Tube out. I will be writing about the G-tube later on. It isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.


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