Day after the Surgery
I woke up around 5:15am. I sat in a chair where I was still eating ice chips. I can't tell you or describe how incredibly DRY. I got a visit from Dr Shapiro around 7:30 am. He okay'd the other nostril tube to come out. THANK GOD!! Dr Shapiro also instructed me to stop eating the ice chips and start sipping water. I had to get a least 50 ounces in that day. The goal was six glasses. Jennifer (my case manager and RN for the day) came in to remove the tube. WOW. It was long but it was out.
I got washed up around 8:15 and was moved to a private room at 9am. I then got up to take a walk. I was walking like a old man. It was quite a different feeling from the day before. I actually had a little energy and made it all the way to the elevators and back. I took a few seconds to break every little bit to catch my breath and to keep the energy up.
The walk kind of wore me out so I took a small nap from 10-11:15pm. Then Andy (another nurse) came in to give me some medication through the G-Tube. Celebrex and Tylenol. These medications are an anti inflammatory. That along with the epideral really helped with the pain. I hardly felt any pain. Andy also removed the bandages around the scar. And replaced the dressing around the G-tube. When the bandage around the scar was removed, it hurt quite a bit. The stomach muscles felt week and couldn't keep up with the tearing of the bandage. She also flushed the G-tube after the medicine was injected.
Dr Shapiro came in again around 5:30pm. He instructed that the JP drain tube will be removed tomorrow. I will also be weaned off the epideral and also the urine catheter will be removed.
Very uneventful day. The nurses came in regularly to take vitals, temperature, and check my oxygen level. Always good. I also got a blood thinner shot every 8 hours.
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