Body Mass Index BMI
I wanted to calculate my BMI to see where I am at.
Currently my BMI is at 28. Still considered "overweight" but not Obese.
I left the hospital at 375 which means my BMI 15 months ago was 66.4.
I wanted to calculate my BMI to see where I am at.
I left the hospital at 375 which means my BMI 15 months ago was 66.4.
Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2007
Today I officially inserted contacts into my eyes. I am on a trial pair for now. I have to wear them for 4 hours today, 6 hours tomorrow, 8 hours on Monday. After Monday, I can keep them in as long as I want, unless irritation occurs. I also am unable to fall asleep if I have the contacts in my eyes.
I have decided to give up my glasses. Tonight I am taking advantage of my vision insurance and getting contacts. I figured that my appearance has changed so much over the past year that wearing glasses seems to be hiding part of me still.
It is no secret that you should not drink soda after having his surgery. In fact, it is one of the rules of the surgery. NO SODA/POP. Have I had any soda since surgery...... Yes. I won't lie.
What kind of soda do I drink? I have diet white soda. Such as Sprite, sierra mist, lemon/lime. Why am I drinking soda? I don't drink it everyday. I let the fizz out of it when before I drink it. The white soda settles my stomach so fast. I never am able to drink the entire can. I follow up with water immediately.
Recently a family member, who works for a local medical hospital, was speaking with the doctor she works for. The doctor informed her that one of the gastric patients died recently because she didn't take care of herself. One of the things that she was doing is drinking soda/pop. I agree, soda/pop is a bad thing to drink with this surgery. There are many other factors that go into "not taking care of yourself", including drinking Soda/Pop.
This is me on my soda/pop box today. Follow the rules.
In two weeks, I will be 15 months post op. Seriously, when you think of 15 months, that is quite a bit of time, but it seems like just yesterday I had this surgery.
My weight has stablized. I am stuck in the 160's which is where I want to be and stay. I still am in a size 32 pant and size medium shirts (I also where Large shirts when I want to be lazy comfortable).
My appetite has increased. I have been watching. I just recently started to feel hunger pains again. That is kind of freaky since I haven't had hunger pains or feels like that in quite a long time. I am watching and being careful. Life has been kind of stressful lately but I am impressed that with this stress I have in my life now, I am not relying on food. That is a good feeling.
I have plans to do some blog posts on how I am doing physically and emotionally. I think there are quite a few changes that people aren't prepared for this far out post-op. Keep a watch out for that. I also will take photos on my 15 month anniversary so everyone can see how my body has changed from Day 1 to now.
441 days since surgery.
My grandmother (i love her to death) has put a picture of me on her refridgerator from the Christmas before I had surgery. She says that everyone will be able to see what a difference I have made with my weight loss and people will think twice about going in and eating all her good food. That's my Grandmother, you gotta love her.
I still can honestly say that I am really glad that I had this surgery. I would do it all over again if I had too!
Two people have asked me my opinion on Star Jones finally admitting she had gastric bypass.
She saved her life. That is my opinion. As for keeping it to herself, why does she have to broadcast the fact she had it done? You could probably figure it out on your own that she had it done. I chose to let everyone know I had it because I was excited to be changing my life. She wanted to keep it to herself because everything else in her life was public. I completely understand that.
You go through so MANY emotions when you have this surgery, sometimes it is hard to put everything in perspective. People have to understand that if you live most of your life morbidly obese and within one year you are 100-200 pounds smaller, it's hard to get over the "fat person" imagine. Feeling ashamed goes with the territory. I wouldn't want people to know when I feel ashamed.
She also chose not to say anything becasue she didn't want people emmulating her and running out to get this surgery without making a well-informed decision. How can you not respect that? This surgery is not a quick fix and isn't for everyone.
I am happy for her. She looks damn good. Who cares how she had it done. At least she got herself back into a healthy lifestyle.