Saturday, May 05, 2007

Dumping Experience-Episode

**Note this happened on Monday April 23rd, I accidentally posted this on a different blog**

Last night, I had a serious case of Dumping Syndrome.I had eaten part of a popsicle (yes it had sugar) andabout 1 hour later i experienced and episode ofDumping.
What Happened?
Around 9pm last night (popsicle was eaten around 7pm)
I got extremely warm. Then I got extremely cold. Ibroke out in a heavy sweat. My head felt like I wasfloating in a dream. Things looked very wavy andunsettled. I was sweating everywhere. So much that myshirt was drenched. My hearing became tunneled and myeye sight started to go. My feet started out freezingand then ended up falling asleep. My hands began totremble. I had never experience something so serious.
I remember a few months back i was on antibiotics andI had something similar to this episode but not asserious. I was freaked out.
I layed down on the couch and closed my eyes to let itpass. It took a good 45 minutes to get totally back tonormal. After that I drank TONs an TONs of water. Ididn't want to fall asleep so I fought to stay awake.I wanted to make sure that nothing more was going tohappen. I think I gave into sleep around midnight lastnight.
I must really have been dehydrated because with allthe water I drank last night, I hardly had to use thebathroom at all. Still today I am hardly using thebathroom.
So lesson learned, NO POPSICLES!!!!!!!!!! Episode willgo down as the worst and most serious to date. I feltvery unnerved by the entire experience.


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