Healthy Eating Habits After Surgery
There are plenty of instructions that i will need to follow after surgery. Starting monday i am going to start getting myself prepared for the change in eating habits. The following are guidelines that I will need to follow.
- Eat three regular meals a day, breakfast needs to be within 90 minutes of waking up. Meals should be 4-6 hours apart.
- Eat until satisfied (Stomach will be the size of a measuring cup on a bottle of Nyquil)
- Protein needs to be eating first and should be at least 50% of the meal
- Hig Glycemic Carbs need to be eliminated
- Small bites is a must and must be chewed at least 25-30 times each.
- Small bites need to be eaten slowly and each meal should last 20-30 minutes.
- STOP eating when you feel full!!!!!!!
- WATER WATER WATER. 6 to 8 cups of non-calorie liquids daily. Must be sippped. NO CARBONATION!!!
- Liquids need to be stopped 15 mintues before a meal until 60 minutes after a meal.
- Take 2 chewable viatmin and mineral supplements daily.
- After 9 months to a year you will be able to handle 3/4 cup meal. This is only after foods are added GRADUALLY.
- Snacking is not a good idea. Other forms of activity must be pursued when there is an urge to snack.
- Some form of exercise should be attempted everyday.
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