Risks of Surgery
Over and over and over i have reviewed the risks of this surgery. It has been cemented into my brain. I understand the risks. Many people have said to me that i could die with this surgery. This is how i approach the subject of dying with this surgery.
At the rate i am going now, if i wouldn't have the surgery, i probably wouldn't live to see the age of 35. If i did get to 35 i would not be a pleasant person. I understand that one of the risks of this surgery is death. There is a risk of death in any surgery. I can't dwell on the fact that there is a possibility of death. I can't let it scare me away from trying to make myself healthy. I am confident that i will make it through this surgery and have amazing results.
Other risks i need to be aware of are the following:
Nutritional/Vitamin definciency (counter-acted with supplements)
B-12 Deficiency
Stomach Ulcers
Incisional Hernia
Bowel Obstruction
Pouch outlet narrowing
Weight loss failure
Earlier Risks:
Lung problems (congestion, pneumonia)
GI Leak
Spleen Damage
Infection (major and minor)
Heart and blood vessel problems
I am well aware of the risks and how to handle them if they do occur.