Monday, January 30, 2006

Risks of Surgery

Over and over and over i have reviewed the risks of this surgery. It has been cemented into my brain. I understand the risks. Many people have said to me that i could die with this surgery. This is how i approach the subject of dying with this surgery.

At the rate i am going now, if i wouldn't have the surgery, i probably wouldn't live to see the age of 35. If i did get to 35 i would not be a pleasant person. I understand that one of the risks of this surgery is death. There is a risk of death in any surgery. I can't dwell on the fact that there is a possibility of death. I can't let it scare me away from trying to make myself healthy. I am confident that i will make it through this surgery and have amazing results.

Other risks i need to be aware of are the following:
Nutritional/Vitamin definciency (counter-acted with supplements)
B-12 Deficiency
Stomach Ulcers
Incisional Hernia
Bowel Obstruction
Pouch outlet narrowing
Weight loss failure

Earlier Risks:
Lung problems (congestion, pneumonia)
GI Leak
Spleen Damage
Infection (major and minor)
Heart and blood vessel problems

I am well aware of the risks and how to handle them if they do occur.

Doctor info

I will be having my surgery at St Cloud Hospital in St Cloud, Minnesota. My surgeon's name is Dr Shapiro. He is really good. I feel comfortable with him because he has the experience. Many people care about a doctor's personality and bedside manner. That really doesn't concern me. All i care about is if the doctor knows what the hell he or she is doing.

I need to visit with the dietician and psychiatrist. I have scheduled both appointments for February 7th. Then its all a go from then on.

Procedure that i will have done.

The only thing about the above picture that scares me is the Gastrostomy Tube. Many people tell me that there is really nothing to worry about with the Tube. You apparently hardly notice it. We will see.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

My body mass index

My BMI is currently around 60.8.