Monday, January 30, 2006

Procedure that i will have done.

The only thing about the above picture that scares me is the Gastrostomy Tube. Many people tell me that there is really nothing to worry about with the Tube. You apparently hardly notice it. We will see.


At 7:00 AM, Blogger Nick B said...

The gastrostomy tube leads from the bypassed stomach and thru the chest wall. The purpose of the tube is to drain strong digestive enzymes (juices) that could harm the stomach after surgery for the first 4 weeks. It is also used in extreme cases, i.e. complication for fast access to the stomach.

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Nick B said...

They only noticable scar will be from the bottom of my chest bone to about 1 inch above my belly button. This will be the surgical incision made to do the bypass. I will not have a scar from the tube because the tube will be smaller than a straw. I may have small scars from the staples that are used to close the incision also.


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